Welcome to SNA South Zone

Student Nurses Association Of Kerala State is divided into 8 zones. South Zone includes all nursing institutions in the Trivandrum and Kollam districts. South Zone is the largest zone among others.

Advisor of South Zone is Mrs.Preetha.S, Senior lecturer of Trivandrum College of Nursing.
Executives are Vice President Mr.Ajo Sam Varghese, Mercy College of nursing.
Secretary : Hareesh nair , Sudheesh Chandran, Trivandrum CON.
Programme Chair Person, Trivandrum: Jaykrishnan, CSI Karakonam.
Programme Chair Person, Kollam: Manuraj, VNSS CON.Ex. Vicepresident: Subeesh. K, VNSS CON

Friday, May 28, 2010

Health Play & Poster Presentation

SNA South zone decided to conduct Health Play & Paper Presentation on 16th June 2010 at Lourdes School of Nursing, Kottiyam.


1. The Theme for Health Play is World Health Day Theme 2010 is Be part of a global movement to make cities healthier.

2. Health Play will be in the form of Drama/Skit/Pappet show/poetry/Song and Folk form/ couplets, etc.

3. A group entry should not have more than 3 Participants. Only single entry from each unit.

4. Language of the topic will be English.

5. Time allotment will be 5 minutes.

Criteria For Poster Presentation

a. Size- Standard size (22’’ X 26”)

b. Only group entry

c. Lettering & Design should be bold and big enough to be seen from a distance

d. Extra fixing or clippings/cuttings of any other form on the poster should be avoided.

e. Each Exhibit should have a card bearing

i. Name of the Exhibit.

ii. The category and section.

Topic For Poster Presentation




1st Year GNM and B.Sc Nursing


Structure and Functions Of Eye

1st Year GNM and B.Sc Nursing

First Aid

Management Of Snakebite

Iind and IIIrd year GNM and B.Sc Nursing

Medical Surgical Nursing

Management of Osteoarthritics

IIIrd year GNM and B.Sc Nursing

Child Health Nursing

Management Of Tracheo esophagial fistula

Iind year and IIIrd year GNM and B.Sc Nursing

Mental Health Nursing


IIIrd year GNM and Basic B.Sc Nursing

Community Health Nursing

Rural Health Programme

Midwifery Ivth year BSc and IIIrd Year GNM

Obsterical Nursing




Breast Feeding


Nutritional Programmes Of Antenatal Mothers In India

For All Students

SNA Activities in India

For All Students

History and Current Trends In Nursing

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